Caption Contest #1: The Matrix: Reloaded

Hey, if other sites get to do a Caption Contest, then so do we!

And now, here are the winning captions, in no particular order:

Screenshot of The Matrix: Reloaded for the Nokia N-Gage. It's a Frogger clone. (Flying Omelette)

It's raining men!! Hallejuah, it's raining men!! (SetzertheGreat)

Agent Smith proves you can survive a 500 foot fall on a car if you jump off at the last instant. (Crawl and 1000)

Conclusive proof that men really are no better at driving than women. (Crawl and 1000)

The crash test dummy had had enough. Now begins its revenge. (Crawl and 1000)

"My back itches. Ah, that's the spot." (Crawl and 1000)

In the alternate dimension, where Germany won World War II, people no longer transport themselves by driving cars, but rather by using them as catapults to launch themselves down the freeway 40 feet at a time. (Crawl and 1000)

In this deleted footage from Men in Black, we learn why Tommy Lee Jones didn't want Will Smith to drive the car. (Flying Omelette)

How can you drive a car, Mr. Anderson, if you have no hands? (Sotenga)

Oh, so there WAS a recall on the braking system... oops. (Bomberguy221)

"Officer, why should I pull over to the si- AAAAAH!!!" (Bomberguy221)

I'm pretty bad at GTA, aren't I? (Bomberguy221)

Optimus Prime had warned Prowl and Bluestreak dozens of times about the catastrophic results of playing "Toss the Human" on the freeway, but they'd never listen. (Flying Omelette)

Clark Kent nearly blows his secret identity by surviving this attempted vehicular homicide. (Crawl and 1000)

"Damn...I hope that cop doesn't notice my tail light's out." (Facilitypro)

This is what it looks like when a giant iron phallus rams a car. (Sotenga)

Driver of silver car, "Crazy Jedi!!!" (James FP)

And then suddenly, without warning, the Law of Gravity had been repealed. (James FP)

"Damn! Taco Bell always gives me such explosive gas!" (James FP)

In the year 2005, the yellow "Prancing FBI Agent" roadsign had become as much a necessity as the "Prancing Deer" sign. (James FP)

Francis never believed the stories of the invisible wall on the freeway until it was too late. (James FP)

"A Ninja need no hands!!" (Deathamster)

"One of these days, I have to learn how to drive a stick shift." (Deathamster)

The prime disadvantage of purchasing an American car. (Sotenga)

Police vehicles were unable to catch the suspected drug traffickers, so they decided to use their new, but untested, invention: The flying robo-NARC. (Magnus Crowe)

James Bond reached for his cellphone so that he could call into the office and explain why he'd be late. (Magnus Crowe)

"GO-GO Gadget Rocketpack!!" (Deathamster)

The police were clueless for an explanation, which was evidenced by the giant question mark hovering over their vehicle. (Deathamster)

The giant magnet being towed in the opposite lane suddenly started drawing all metal objects towards it, which was bad news for Timothy, who recently had his left hand replaced with a giant metal doorknob. (Deathamster)

Alternate ending to "Trans-Europe Express", where Bluestreak gets so sick of Augie Cahnay's attitude, that he ejects him onto the racetrack into oncoming traffic. (Flying Omelette)

Agent Smith has been rammed by a were-car, and now he shall become one also! (Sotenga)

"Proof that your suit will stay neat and tidy under ANY circumtances!" (LordDraco3)

"Toyota's new Earth-tunneling car is here!" "Jump for joy!" (Crawl and 1000)

SPEED BUMP!!! (SetzertheGreat)

"Oh what a feeling...Toyota!!" (ErniePants)

He was miraculously able to save himself by grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling himself out of harm's way. (ErniePants)

George, George, George of the Highway, watch out for that Ford! (ACC Kain)

This is why you should always buckle your safety belt. (Junus Crowe)

"Just under thirty minutes - Here's your pizza!" (Crawl and 1000)

Well, the good news is that at least he can't blame Weird Al on this one. The Transformers movie was the only thing "Dare to be Stupid" had to do with cars. (Pokejedservo)


When Subway's "Good so you don't always have to be" ad campaign goes a little far... (Pokejedservo)

By now, people were starting to agree that Jackass's stunts were becoming passé. (Flying Omelette)

Uh-oh! Better get Maaco! (CataTonic9)

If only that polygon had popped up sooner... (CataTonic9)

Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me, pardon me...whoops! Excuse me... (Pero the Cat)

This is how Mary Lou Rhetton goes to work every day. (Pero the Cat)

It was total chaos when the duck hunter accidentally shot Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang out of the sky. (Magnus Crowe)

Terrence didn't realize he was driving an Autobot until the sudden transformation. (Crawl and 1000 & Flying Omelette)



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