About Us

Now, here in Deathamster's Nest, the spell is broken...AND WE LIVE AGAIN!!


  • Real Name: Deborah Cosirus
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Space Bounty Hunter
  • Birthdate: June 3, 1984
  • Location: Washington, D.C.
  • Favorite Song: "Take the Long Way Home" - by SuperTramp
  • Favorite Video Game: Blaster Master (NES)
  • Favorite Game System: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
  • Hair: Red
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Height: Just a little over 5'
  • Siblings: Younger sister (DOVEBLOB)
  • Likes: Video games, internet lamers
  • Dislikes: Just about everything else
  • Description: What the hell would you want to know about me?
  • Site Areas Maintained: DBDH Arena, Game Bloopers, Links, Message Board

    James FP

  • Real Name: James Torrance
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Nonsense Poster
  • Birthdate: March 16, 1984
  • Location: Chicago, Illinois
  • Favorite Song: "Friends in Low Places" - by Garth Brooks
  • Favorite Video Game: Ogre Battle (SNES)
  • Favorite Game System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Height: 5' 9"
  • Siblings: 1 older sister, 1 younger brother (ACC KAIN)
  • Likes: Ketchup packets and giant sponges
  • Dislikes: Giant pairs of underwear - they just scare me, man...
  • Description: Often seen running with huge herds of 8-balls, James FP is a rare breed of Nonsense Poster that likes to eat cheese and drop buckets of macaroni on his head.
  • Site Areas Maintained: Nonsense Shrine, Game Reviews, Citizen James, MS Paint Gallery, Memory Lane

    Junus Crowe

  • Real Name: Junus Crowe
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: The one and only Great Behemoth
  • Birthdate: July 16, 1986
  • Location: The Island Closest to Hell
  • Favorite Song: "Burning Down the House" - by Talking Heads
  • Favorite Video Game: Shadowgate (NES)
  • Favorite Game System: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Siblings: 1 older brother (Magnus CROWE)
  • Likes: Blowing things up
  • Dislikes: People in general
  • Description: As the NEST's #1 insult comic, Junus enjoys arguing with his brother (and just about everyone else) and planning to destroy conquer the universe.
  • Site Areas Maintained: Game Ideas Archive, Game Reviews


  • Real Name: Sethra Kinov
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Shnoo
  • Birthdate: November 15, 1974
  • Location: ShnooWorld
  • Favorite Song: The Song of Storms - Ocarina of Time
  • Favorite Video Game: Secret of Mana (SNES)
  • Favorite Game System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Weird
  • Height: Very short
  • Siblings: None, but one very squishy cousin (BJ Strykes)
  • Likes: Parakeets, eggs
  • Dislikes: Her job
  • Description: I look like an egg.
  • Site Areas Maintained: Humor, Quote Corner, Shnoo's Eyerie


  • Real Name: Tyler Torrance
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Bananaquit
  • Birthdate: August 11, 1990
  • Location: Chicago, Illinois
  • Favorite Song: The Banana Boat Song
  • Favorite Video Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • Favorite Game System: Super NES
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Beady
  • Height: 11 cm
  • Siblings: James, older brother, and 1 older sister
  • Likes: Eating, sleep, migrating
  • Dislikes: Cold weather, people who hold grudges over stupid things
  • Description: A very small bird with a slender, curved bill, a bright yellow belly, and a black-and-white striped head
  • Site Areas Maintained: Whatever I feel like it


  • Real Name: Morgannon
  • Gender: Female
  • Species: Demon Queen
  • Birthdate: The Dawn of Time
  • Location: In a van down by the river...I mean, in a castle on a storm-battered cliff
  • Favorite Song: Satisfaction (The Rolling Stones)
  • Favorite Video Game: Maniac Mansion (NES & PC)
  • Favorite Game System: NES and Super NES
  • Hair: Red
  • Eyes: Slitted
  • Height: Like an amazon
  • Siblings: None that I get along with
  • Likes: Dark and creepy things, oldschool games, screams in the night
  • Dislikes: When it's too quiet, shopping in crowded places
  • Description: New Yorker by day, Hellion by night
  • Site Areas Maintained: Guestbook. (As of right now, Morgannon is MIA, but if she ever comes back, we'll find something for her to do.)

    Note: Sometimes we update each other's site areas when we have something to add. It's not a strict ruling we stick to. Just to get a general idea of whose mainly in charge of what.

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