Video Game

Welcome to the Video Game Bloopers Archive. This is where we archive various bloopers and nitpicks found in video games. Be sure to email us YOUR bloopers, or post them on the message board.

ActRaiser 2 (SNES) - #1: Although we're not told how much time has passed since the events of ActRaiser 1, it sure must've been a lot, because the entire world has changed! Isn't it just a little strange that absolutely none of the old towns still exist? Or that the shape of the land has completely changed?

#2: According to the opening dialogue and the manual, the story goes that Tanzra's most powerful demons have resurrected him. Wow! What a retcon! If these are Tanzra's "most powerful" demons, then where the heck were they in ActRaiser 1??

#3: Where did the Master's wings come from? Now, a possible theory is that the spirit of the Master brings to life the form of the statue that it possesses. Perhaps, the reason he has wings is simply because the statues the people made of the Master were made with wings. BUT there's still a problem with that theory...Presumably, the opening sequence is a recreation of the final battle from ActRaiser 1. And in this scene, the Master has his wings! If this is a recreation of that fight, he should not have them, because he did not have them in ActRaiser 1!

#4: This nitpick that can apply to either ActRaiser game...Why is it that the Master can fight in a "human" form when he's in the sky, but has to inhabit a manmade statue to fight on earth?? Or is there a statue in the Sky Palace that he has to possess when he wants to do stuff? I'd think that'd be rather inconvenient, don't you? What happens if it gets broken? And who built it??

Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (N64) - #1: There's a tree near the area of the bog that meets with the beach (on the path heading south to the desert) that is not connected to the ground. It floats in the air just above Alaron's head level. (James FP)

#2: You're supposed to meet the recruitable character Sholeh in the desert and save her from being attacked by some enemies. The problem is that if you arrive at the Jundar city without meeting Sholeh in the desert, she will be at the inn, and she will act like the desert scene actually occurred. So, the effect is that Sholeh and Alaron are acting like they know each other and that Sholeh was saved by Alaron, but if you missed the desert cutscene (as I did when I first played the game) the dialogue here will make no sense! (Flying Omelette)

Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean (Saturn) - I remember once figuring out that Pike would've only been about 11 years old when he started his adventure, but I can't remember how I did it. Something to do with the number of seasons the narrator says passed in the opening dialogue. (Flying Omelette)

Alundra 2 (PS1) - #1: When you get a "Chance" in the Dart Game, you can hear an audience cheering. Um...where's that coming from? The only people in that tiny hut are you and the two proprietors. (Flying Omelette)

#2: At the end of the game when everyone leaps onto the dragon as it flies away, Albert grabs onto its tail. A few scenes later, Albert's now sitting on the back of the dragon. Fair enough. He probably just climbed up there. After many adventures in the Star Key, you come back outside and meet up with the dragon again, but now Albert's back to clinging to its tail. How and why did he get back down there? (Flying Omelette)

Bio Hazard Battle (Genesis) - The label art clearly shows a spaceship fighting a big worm-like enemy, but in the game, the four "ships" you can select are all different insects! (Morgannon)

Blaster Master (NES) - Jason's hair is light brown in the opening cinema sequence, but it's blue in the ending sequence. This is because Sunsoft altered the opening story from the Japanese version of the game, but didn't bother to change Jason's hair for the ending sequence. (Deathamster)

Chrono Trigger (SNES) - I don't think the ending where everybody is part frog in Guardia Kingdom makes much sense. If the Queen married the Frog, then wouldn't only their descendants be part frog, not everybody in the whole town? And why would Crono be part frog? As far as I know, he's not descended from the royal family. (Deathamster)

Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64) - I find it rather odd that Conker is repulsed by the smell of the restroom in the beginning of the War chapter when he earlier spent much time swimming in cow dung, rolling balls of poo up a mountain made of poo, and fighting the Great Mighty Poo inside that mountain. (Flying Omelette)

Dark Savior (Saturn) - #1: What the heck are those green monsters that Garian and Kay are shown fighting in the package art? There's nothing that even remotely looks like that in the game. (Flying Omelette)

#2: The Warden has this huge metal "claw" thing that covers his entire right arm. But sometimes, it alternates between being on his right arm and left arm. It depends on which way he's facing. This is most likely because Climax just flipped the sprite for facing opposite directions. But it really looks weird when it changes position several times in a single scene (Example: Pay close attention to it during the scenes where the Warden is in the lab talking to the Doc.) (Flying Omelette)

#3: It makes no sense why Garian rides in the mine cart instead of just walking along the tracks and making the jumps himself. There are no jumps that he cannot make on his own, and it would be easier for him to do so. He doesn't need the extra momentum from the cart. And he's not being pursued by any enemies, so speed of escape isn't a factor, either. (Flying Omelette)

#4: I don't think the part where Garian is carrying Kay through the dungeon makes much sense, either. Kay is tied to a chair from the torture chamber, and supposedly the reason Garian has to carry her is because she cannot be easily broken out of it. But once you reach the end of the dungeon, Kay just breaks right out of it. A possible explanation is that Kay may have been trying to work her way out of the bonds the whole time and finally got herself free at that point, but the game's dialogue does not indicate that's what happened at all. (Flying Omelette)

#5: I don't really want to nitpick every single graphic glitch in 3D games, but this one just really bugs me...When Bruno's men escort Garian into J.J.'s Theater, they have to go through its saloon-style double doors. The thing is...Climax was too lazy to animate the doors opening and closing, so the characters go right through them as though either the doors don't really exist or they're ghosts. (Flying Omelette)

DoDonPachi (Multiplatform) - From a gameplay standpoint, I understand why the "secret" final boss has a shield that blocks your bombs. But from a logical standpoint, it makes no sense. If a boss has a shield that blocks your bombs, and has (apparently) unlimited use of it, then why not use it to block your other weapons, too? (Flying Omelette)

EarthBound (SNES) - #1: If you look at the outside of the Drugstore located in the Dusty Dunes Desert, the logs of its walls are vertical. But when you're inside the Drugstore, the logs are horizontal. (Flying Omelette)

#2: When you first reach Threed, the town is all dark because of the Trillionage Sprout blocking out the sun's rays. However, when you go in the houses, it appears to be sunny outside the windows. (Flying Omelette)

#3: When the Runaway Five's bus moves from right-to-left, the word "RUNAWAY" is written backwards on it. That's because this is another case of the game's developers just flipping the sprite, like the Warden in Dark Savior and Link in Zelda: A Link to the Past. (Flying Omelette)

Equinox (SNES) - The game's opening story says that Shadax defeated Melkior, but the villain's name in Solstice was Morbius, not Melkior. (Flying Omelette)

Final Fantasy 6 (SNES) - #1: If you rescue Shadow in the World of Ruin, the dialogue doesn't change from when Relm would've been in his place, therefore, the game refers to him as "her" and "she". (Morgannon)

#2: I don't think it makes much sense why Shadow was trying to prove himself as a fighter in the coliseum, or why he was looking for the Striker. But then again, nobody really knows what motivates Shadow. I have to wonder if Square originally planned for him to die at the Floating Continent without there being a way to rescue him, but changed their minds on this at the last minute, and that's why his presence in the World of Ruin doesn't seem very well-accounted for. Also note that the real reason he leaves in the game's ending sequence is probably because his sprite was not included with the others on the airship, and Square may simply not have wanted to go back and add it in. (Deathamster)

Goldeneye 007 (N64) - #1: Sometimes people's heads and arms go right through closed doors. (Sedgewick)

#2: James Bond appears in a white tuxedo in a screenshot on the back of the Goldeneye box. There is no such white tuxedo Bond in the game. (Brigade Delbrack)

#3: The Klobb was called the Spyder in the manual. (Brigade Delbrack)

Harvest Moon 64 (N64) - Misspellings in games are common, but this one is just ridiculous! Natsume misspelled their own name on the game's title screen. They spelled it as "Natusme". (Flying Omelette)

Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller (3DO) - #1: How is it possible that no one knows if Solene Solux is male or female when she rose to power by rallying thousands of people during her campaigns? (Flying Omelette)

#2: When you talk to Mindrunner in the Interface bar, you can see Sophia Bene sitting behind him. The thing is, you still see Sophia Bene sitting there even if you already recruited her into your party before talking to Mindrunner. (Flying Omelette)

#3: After you've rescued Deepthroat from the Pentagon jail, go back to Dante's apartment and use the Psychopomp on your character. Enter the GARAGE. You'll see Deepthroat standing there in his trenchcoat, and you can't talk to him, but he shouldn't be there at all because you already rescued him from the Pentagon! (Flying Omelette)

#4: After you kill the hitman, Milwaukee Jack, in Fitzgerald's bar, the man watching the TV will say, "That guy just killed Splits Magnola!", even though Splits is alive and well and in your party. (Flying Omelette)

#5: If you play as Gideon, you'll reach a part where you won't have Rachel with you. But if you use the lockpick to unlock a door, you still hear Rachel's voice say, "That worked!", even though she's not there. (Flying Omelette)

HyperZone (SNES) - Another game that shows a ship on the label art that's not in the game is HyperZone. Of all the different ships you earn in that game, not a one looks like the one on the cover. There's an obvious reason for that, though. The cover art is a rip-off of the Death Star battle from Star Wars! Look closely, the ship is an X-Wing, and the man piloting it is dressed just like Luke Skywalker. And that's definitely a "trench" that he's flying through. (Flying Omelette)

Ice Hockey (NES) - The sound of the skaters coming to a stop makes a "screeching" noise that sounds more like wheels skidding to a halt than blades on ice. (Flying Omelette)

Illusion of Gaia (SNES) - When you enter some areas of the game, a text box pops up that has the name of the area written in it. But when you enter the Gambling House in Watermia, the text box that comes up says "Desert". Very, very strange...Not only am I quite confident that the Gambling House's environment doesn't qualify as a "desert", but you don't visit any other area where "Desert" is the description. Yes, there is that one desert town near the end, but its text box displays its name, "Gao". (Flying Omelette)

Karnov (Multiplatform) - Sometimes, Karnov is referred to as being Russian, and other times, Babylonian. I guess Data East couldn't make up their minds. (ACC Kain)

King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (SNES) - At one point in the game, you'll be given a task to destroy a boulder. However, if you wander into the area where the boulder is before you're specifically given that task, the boulder will be there, but it's already been destroyed. Wander back later, and the boulder is there in one piece. Destroy it, and it returns to what it looked like before. (Flying Omelette)

Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The (SNES) - Link always swings his sword with his left hand unless he's facing east. Nintendo explains that the reason for this is that Link always points his shield north to block the evil coming from Death Mountain. Eh, the real reason is because they just flipped the sprite for attacking east and west. (James FP)

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The (N64) - When Link ages in the Temple of Time, his clothes change, too. He also suddenly has earrings as adult Link. Who changed his clothes and pierced his ears? Rauru? (ErniePants)

Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals (SNES) - #1: The underwater caves that lead to one of the monster shrines have glitched up names. The names of some of the floors in the military kingdom's dungeons are glitched in a similar way. (Flying Omelette)

#2: The interior of the Submarine Shrine is all glitched up, too. The last floor of the Ancient Cave is similarly glitched as the Submarine Shrine. (Flying Omelette)

Mega Man series (Multiplatform) - What happens to all of the weapons that Mega Man acquires from his enemies between games? (Deathamster)

Metal Gear (NES) - I just don't think there's any way possible you couldn't know that the commander of your mission is, in fact, the leader of Outer Heaven. It doesn't even make any sense as to why the leader would help you. So you'd be carrying false information, my ass. (SetzertheGreat)

Metal Gear Solid (PS1) - I found this mentioned on an old message board post from Crawl: If you kill that guy at the urinal with the surface-to-air missiles, he calls the alarm as he's being blasted to bits. How is that possible? (Crawl and 1000)

Ninja Boy (GB) - In Ninja Boy for Game Boy, the character you play as is called Jack in the manual, but the character pictured on the game's label and box art is actually Ryu. Ryu wears blue, Jack wears red. In fact, it's the same exact picture of Ryu from the Little Ninja Bros. box art. (Flying Omelette)

Ninja Gaiden 3 (NES) - I'm not sure if it's a result of bad scripting or bad translation, but Ryu appears to arrive at Castle Rock Fortress three times in a row. (Flying Omelette)

Omikron: The Nomad Soul (DC) - #1: In the game's opening FMV, eventually you'll see a scene of Kay'l fighting some dude on a desert building rooftop. There are several things wrong with this scene: 1. The man he is fighting is one of the "recruitable" characters. He has no relation to or role in the plot, and therefore, you never fight him, and never will fight him. 2. That area of the game must be the Jaunpur rooftops stage, but there is no way you can still be playing as Kay'l at that point in the game, due to the way the story progresses. (Flying Omelette)

#2: You have to put all three of Vyagramuhka's jewels into a statue head, but I accidentally left one in storage. I put the two jewels in the eyes, then had to run back to town to get the third one...but when I went back to the statue head, one of the jewels was missing from the eye and placed in the forehead, instead!!! Weird, but placing the third jewel allowed me to move on, anyway. (Flying Omelette)

Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn) - Even if you found either of the two secret final forms of the dragon, your dragon will still only appear as the final form that can be achieved normally through fighting bosses in the FMVs before and after the final boss fight. This was most likely so Sega didn't have to record the FMV three times (once for each possible dragon form at that point). (Flying Omelette)

Puss n Boots: Pero's Great Adventure (NES) - The story in the manual of Puss n Boots: Pero's Great Adventure says that you're trying to get a time machine back from Count Gruemon. Those of you who saw the episode of Captain N based on this game will remember that Pero had to get the Time Machine from Gruemon in that, too. However, you never actually get a time machine. The game just ends with Pero on top of the Statue of Liberty. The reason for this is that the Japanese version of the game was called Puss n Boots: Around the World in 80 Days. It was loosely based on Charles Perrault's book, Around the World in 80 Days. Pero's name was "Perrault" in the Japanese game. But when it was ported to America, they removed all references to Perrault and the book and replaced the story with that phony Time Travel plot (a la, the terrorist plot replacing the Terminator storyline in Journey to Silius.) (Pero the Cat)

SaGa Frontier (PS1) - It is possible to recruit a second Roufas in Emelia's Quest. Normally, during the course of Emelia's Quest, Roufas stays at the Gradius HQ (yes, that's what it's called), and gives you your missions. But you can recruit another Roufas in one of the Ancient King's Tombs (the same place where you'd recruit him in any of the other quests.) So, there's one Roufas in Gradius HQ and there's another in your party! (Flying Omelette)

Secret of Evermore (SNES) - This is one of the most well-known video game bloopers. In the part where the boy and the real Queen spy on the fake queen, they use a telescope to hear their conversation. Telescopes let you see things that are far away, but they don't let you hear things from far away. Maybe the boy and the real queen are just really good lip-readers. (James FP & ACC Kain)

Shadow Man (N64) - Somewhere in this game, in the asylum, there is a room with a Dark Soul on a high ledge that has a really big hook in the way of it. In that same room is a door with blood splattered on the window. But enter the door and look at it from the other side. The blood isn't there! (Flying Omelette)

Super Ghouls n Ghosts (SNES) - If you throw a weapon at the peak of his double jump, Arthur does a Ninja Gaiden-like roll move. Please someone explain how a knight clad in heavy armor can do a ninja roll in midair? (BJ Strykes)

Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) - Birdo and Ostro's names are reversed in the end credits. (Flying Omelette)

Super Mario World (SNES) - This also applies to Yoshi's Island, Yoshi's Story, and just about any other game Yoshi has appeared in. Yoshi has the ability to lay eggs, yet Nintendo refers to him as a male character. Only female animals lay eggs. Is Yoshi actually female? (James FP)

Super Ninja Boy (SNES) - In Super Ninja Boy, there's a part where Jack and Ryu say, "We have to go explain who stole Ory". Umm...I think someone left out part of the sentence there. I think it should read, "We have to go explain who stole the Gold Auraball to Ory." (SethraShnoo)

Super Punch-Out!! (SNES) - If Gabby Jay is from France, why does he have an American Southern accent? (Flying Omelette)

Super R-Type (SNES) - The box art of Super R-Type shows the R-9 fighting an alien that doesn't actually appear in the game. (Flying Omelette)

Zoda's Revenge: StarTropics 2 (NES) - Mike meets a lot of famous people when he travels through time. There's only one problem: Sherlock Holmes never actually existed. He was a fictitious creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is also questionable if King Arthur and Lancelot existed, too. (Junus Crowe)

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