Caption Contest #11: Winter Fun

And the winning caption is...

Saved at the last moment from going over the waterfall by a sudden Nor'Easter! (Deathamster)

And the rest:

Pfft, I'll prove it, you can't have quick sand in an inner tube. (Crawl)

Condoms: Not just for safe sex and water balloon pranks anymore! (CodieKitty)

He caught an edge there, but he seems to be okay, he's in good shape.. actually, I think he's a little....Uh-oh! He seems to have been accidentally shot by Claudine Longet. (Flying Omelette)

By putting a magic pair of boots on his hands, Eric Genn turns into his superhero persona, Inflatable Sled-Thing Man, who then takes to the skies on the lookout for crime! Beware evildoers, for punches bounce right off him! (But a single well aimed bullet will do him in.) (CodieKitty)

Man's first attempt to create new life goes horribly awry with the creation of the "Boot-eyed Blue Sledding Slug" AKA Limax Bootius. (CB007)

What ravine? I don't see anything... (INFPGamer)

Jebediah Columbus's attempts to prove the earth is round weren't quite as successful as his brother Christopher's. (James FP)

Nintendo's new Pokemon designs keep getting lamer and lamer. (James FP)

"Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting snow!" (Crawl)

As soon as he heard that Megatron had been spotted at the nearby power plant, Snowtube immediately transformed and rolled out. (James FP)

In a coffer atop the Swiss Alps you can discover a chocolate treasure trove. But beware! It is guarded jealously by the Blue M&M and his slip-slide attack. (MaskedSheik)

Leaping stingray strikes again! (MaskedSheik)

And now, the Bermuda Triangle shall have its revenge! (Flying Omelette)

The converter and antenna system you use to receive an over the air HDTV signal on a regular TV is a huge pain to set up and not so aesthetically pleasing. Some assembly required, snow not included. (CB007)

Unfortunately, Tremors 4 suffered even more serious budget cutbacks. (Flying Omelette)

And thus begins Billy Zane's campaign for presidency. (Flying Omelette)

And now to become the second Bono to die in a snow-related accident. (Flying Omelette)

Burn some dust here. Eat my rubber.
Dad, I think you mean burn rubber and eat my dust.
Whatever, Russ. Whatever. (SethraShnoo)

Going to and from school on snowy days is a lot easier when you're a tanuki. (Deathamster)

And the much anticipated launch of the Military's new experimental aircraft was a success! (virtueslost)

From the folks you brought you LEGO Star Wars comes Balloon Star Wars! As a teaser, here's R2-D2 on Hoth! (CodieKitty)

The Steven Spielberg/Kate Capshaw wedding reception festivities seemed all too familiar... (Flying Omelette)

Fuck wind resistance, I'm going all the way! (Daryn Versetti)



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