The Lady Abaxa Reviews

Crazy Climber (Arcade)

This game is incredibly ableist and offensive and I'm sick to death already of falling off the cliff because it happens Every.Fucking.Time.

Score: 1/10

Crazy Climber 2 (Arcade)

They didn't fix the flaws with the first game. It's still incredibly ableist and offensive and I'm still sick to death already of falling off the cliff!

Score: 1/10

Crazy Climber (Atari 2600)

The 2600 version is even more incredibly ableist and offensive than the arcade version and I'm still sick to death of having to explain to people just how much I hate falling off the cliff because it happens Every.Fucking.Time.

Score: 1/10

Crazy Taxi (Sega Dreamcast)

This game is incredibly ableist and offensive and I'm sick to death of having to explain to people just how mentally bankrupt it is to be speeding around in a taxi because I've been run over by them. When I visit NY, it happens Every.Fucking.Time.

Score: 1/10

Konami Krazy Racers (Game Boy Advance)

This game is incredibly ableist and offensive and I'm sick to death of having to explain to people that because it's about racing, that also makes it racist.

Score: 1/10

Krazy Ivan (Sony Playstation)

This game is incredibly ableist and offensive. Every.Fucking.Time. a murder happens people assume it was Ivan the Terrible who did it, and they have absolutely no idea how enraging, how othering, how damaging that mentality actually is.

Score: 1/10

Krazy Kreatures (NES)

This game is incredibly ableist and offensive, especially to people who can't spell.

Score: 1/10

The Insane Clown Posse

This band is incredibly ableist and offensive, but fuckin' magnets? How do they work, anyway?

Score: 1/10

Wayne the Brain and the Insane Physics Crane (XBOX360)

This game is incredibly ableist and offensive. It is also damaging, othering, and alienating to long-necked waterfowl, ex-Saturday Night Live cast members, laboratory mice who fail in their attempts to conquer the world, and people who just don't get how fuckin' magnets work.

Score: 1/10

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